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What we’re about

Everyone should sing Handel's Messiah at least once in their life. Who could pass up the opportunity to sing the Hallelujah Chorus with over two hundred other singers to an audience inside the iconic and historic Sydney Town Hall?

We'll be joining with the Radio Community Chest Choir to sing Handel's Messiah each December. In the meantime, you can come along to their annual performance in the Sydney Town Hall. Bring your friends and family. It's an essential part of Christmas in the city.

You should join if you like singing.
You should join if you like singing, but can't commit to being in a choir every week of the year.
You should join if you want to be part of something special. Everyone should sing Messiah at least once in their life.

Rehearsals go for 10 weeks from mid October to mid December.
It takes place in the amazing St Stephen's Uniting Church, Macquarie Street, Sydney.
You will need a score (the music), and you can buy one from us for $25.

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