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What we’re about

Making new quality male friends these days as an adult is dam hard and challenging. Sound familiar?

I'm looking to form real and genuine male friendships, a band of bros (platonic) who are aged in their 30s & 40s approx and do a variety of social activities going for walks, meet for coffee/drinks, see a movie and a bite to eat.

Make lonely weekends or weeknights a thing of the past. So lets get out there, get social, meet new people and make new friends.

This is the ONLY Melbourne Men's meetup focusing on SOCIAL NETWORKING AND FRIENDING.

Our social meetups are relaxed and casual creating the perfect, environment allowing people (small group of 15 people max) socialise and mingle.
Social meetups are held weekly typically on
Friday late afternoons-evenings;
Saturday & Sunday afternoons and evenings.
Mid-week socials during September to April.

So plenty more opportunities to meet and mingle.
Socials are held at cafes, pub bistros, restaurants, outdoor rooftop bars, beer gardens, and lounge bars in the inner city areas ie: Fitzroy-Carlton- Melbourne CBD- South Yarra, Moonee Ponds ect.
We will also meet at parks-gardens-lakesides -beachfronts next to cafes so you can grab a coffee a drinks or food.

This meetup is exclusively for permanent citizens-Melbourne locals aged in 30s & 40s (sorry no travellers)





PLEASE ensure you
1. Meet the age criteria (30s & 40s)

2. You have a clear, visible recent photo of yourself on your meetup profile. Presentation is everything so please ensure you post the best version of yourself.

3. Please ensure you RSVP if you intend to attend. I get it, things happen in life and your plans change. Please be courteous to change your RSVP. No shows at meetups without changing your RSVP status or not messaging the organiser beforehand is rude and may result in being removed from this group. It doesn't take much to be courteous!

4. Attendance Policy.
To get the most out of this meetup and to form connections and friendships.

REGULAR ATTENDANCE is very much required. This enables you to get to know other people from the meetup and to ultimately form new connections and friendships. 
This is how you get to know people, there is no other way.

5. For your safety, it is advisable you do not meet with strangers peole you have never met from this meetup outside of the schedulled social meetups. The purpose of meetup is to meet socially in person in a group setting.
The organiser of this meetup will NOT accept any liability and not be responsible for any loss, damage, injury/accidents for your personal belongings/property at social meetups.
Attending this group's meetups you are taking responsibility for your own, safety and self-awareness.
Do not offer/accept a lift, ride or carpool with anyone you don’t know or you don’t feel comfortable with.
Please use your own transport or public transport, taxis/ride share services like uber to get to and from a venue.
We are all adults so be friendly, welcoming, engaging, polite and respectful and most of all be social! It’s really simple!

6.COVID19/Colds/Flu & Expected Behaviour.
If you're feeling unwell on the day/evening of a meetup even with slightest of cold/flu symptoms OR you test positive even with the slightest of symptoms or nine, you're sick with Covid-19/Cold/flu other respiratory infections OR you are a confirmed close contact of someone with Covid-19, PLEASE DO NOT attend. Its no brainer just be courteous.

7. Any unwelcomed behaviour being of ; disrespectful, rude, aggressive, offensive/condescending, discriminatory in nature or any foul language, any selling of pyramid schemes, illegal/dodgy products/services, forcing of ideas/ opinions/beliefs, will NOT be tolerated and will result in being removed from this meetup group.
SO, be nice, be honest, respectful and decent, its really easy 😀

8. Making initial connections. Swapping phone numbers/facebook/Instagram details with someone you had a great conversation with is totally fine and acceptable. Please ask kindly and respectfully.
If you are not comfortable you can also use the meetup messaging system if you wish to communicate with someone you have met at a meetup. Remember be kind, polite and respectful! 😉