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What we’re about

If you can remember seeing the Theatrical release of Chariots of Fire this event may not be for you, however, I watched it for the first time on a flight between Auckland and Sydney in 1984, and I was captured, not only by the music and the message of the film, but by the dream of running on a beach, with wings on my heels.
And that dream stuck with me, while after returning across the Pacific, I lived in the Canadian Prairies waiting for the chance I could make that dream real, right here in Perth, at Mullaloo Beach.
Luckily, it is not some freezing English muddy spit, rather its a sparkling example of one of Australia's best beaches, a hidden gem, perhaps one of the best running beaches, or just beaches flat, in the World. There are plenty of flat shallows to spray your fellows, and lots of impacted sand for sprinting to outrun an incoming wave.
The concept is simple, run from the surf club to the surf tower, circling it, at the North end and back. Who ever wins buys the first round.

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