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Photo of Graham Dickson
Hosted By
Graham D.


Feeling more alive after our latte' it's time to proceed with a pleasant stroll along Parramatta River walkway as we cross over and under several bridges on our way to Rydalmere for the start of the Ponds Walk.

And what a beautiful walk it is, creek crossings, quaint little footbridges and areas of fern covered tracks give it an almost rainforest feel.
Being in the heart of suburbia it's hard to imagine such a spectacular place to enjoy a commute with nature, absolutely beautiful.

We should be at Vikings Sports Club at Dundas Valley In time for lunch (more bubbly?) before we vanish into a rainforest area on our way to Carlingford.

Another walk that is suitable for newcomers who want to test themselves with a longer distance (about 10 kms ) but without the effort of climbing hills.

Done this walk on numerous occasions and still can't wait to return. Come and join me, you won't be disappointed. Ring me on 0451483009 in case I haven't persuaded you how good the walk is.

We will finish at Carlingford in time to indulge in a beverage or two at the Bowling Club. Bus back to Parramatta after, or is the Light Rail up and running yet?

Check out the pics to give you some idea of what to expect. (when I get around to putting them on)

GRATURITY: You might like to bring some cold hard cash to accommodate the establishments we will be frequenting for morning tea and lunch. I've got cash, don't need to embezzle any from the people who's company I enjoy.

Photo of Parramatta Exploration Group group
Parramatta Exploration Group
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Riverside Deli Bar Cafe
34 Charles St · Parramatta, NS
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