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Reiki Weight Loss Energy Transmission

Photo of Jae Schapp
Hosted By
Jae S.


I will be sending out an Energy Transmission every Sunday at 10PM!

This energy is fabulous for losing weight, relaxing, balancing, and working on the adrenal glands, and all of the organs and glands, and can help with appetite and cravings, and also sleep, which is so good for your health and for your weight!

You can do this from your own favorite spot, either your bed, couch, floor, chair, or wherever.

All you need to do is nothing!

You can set an intention to receive the energies, sent by Jae, and if you want to you can ask for a wish, and ask for something you want to release.

I usually ask to release something I'm craving that's not healthy for me, and it usually works.

If you think this is something you want to try, then please RSVP, and I will send you the energies, and answer any questions you may have.

Good nutrition is the core to weight loss and good health, along with exercise, and good

Energy Nutrition is important as well.

Hope to see you at the next Challenge!

Hope you'll join me tonight!

All the very best,

Jae (Enerjae)

Photo of Queens Weight Loss Challenge group
Queens Weight Loss Challenge
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Every week on Sunday

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