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What we’re about

Hi Radiant Ladies,

Radiant Women Over 50 was created on Meetup 5 years ago to help women in Melbourne connect and make new friends.

Over the years, we have attracted many respectful and sophisticated ladies who are friendly, funny, supportive, and appreciative. If you are looking for friends with these qualities, this group is for you.

We organise coffee, brunch, walks, and outings in Melbourne and its suburbs. Many members have shared that the group has helped them feel happier and overcome depression. It’s wonderful to dress up and join a group of positive and radiant ladies for coffee.

Please note, this isn’t a singles group. Many of our members are married or have partners but still enjoy bonding with other women over coffee and activities.

If you’re a bit shy or introverted, don’t worry. Our friendly hosts will help you feel at ease. Radiant Women love and respect each other.

Here are a few things to know when you join:

- We keep things casual and friendly. Promoting businesses or selling products is not allowed. If you have suggestions, please discuss them with the organiser.

- Not everyone may be a fit for the group. Our hosts have the right to disqualify members due to late cancellations or inappropriate interactions.

- There is a membership fee of $48 per year ($4 per month), with a minimum payment of 6 months at a time. ( Please note that our group's membership fee supports the time and effort put into organising our events. There are free Meetup groups available, so if you don’t see the value in our active and engaging community, you are welcome to explore those options.)

- If you prefer to attend events casually, the fee is $5 per event. Please pay your host in cash at the event.

- We sometimes take photos at events for our Facebook and Meetup pages. If you don’t want to be in them, just let your host know.

- Please join Radiant Women Over 50 on Facebook: [Facebook Link](

Looking forward to meeting you for coffee and a chat soon.

Lyn 😊

Upcoming events (4+)

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