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What we’re about

FAQ: I left or got removed from SDF. Can I rejoin?
Yes, you are welcome to rejoin. (Members sometimes get removed due to meetup issues or inactivity or other reasons. DM the organizer for questions.)
Single Desi Friends SDF is an activity group for Singles in all age groups. This a networking, socializing, and support community for people who are single (never married, divorced, separated, widowed). We welcome you to join us, participate in indoor / outdoor activities and meet people who share your interests. We are friendly to all and treat everyone respectfully. Our events include hiking, Bollywood music, bowling, dancing, day trips, dining/ eating out, picnics, kayaking, movie nights etc. New ideas and suggestions are welcome.
We organize events in the South and East Bay (Fremont, Union City, Sunnyvale, San Jose, Milpitas, Hayward, San Ramon, Livermore etc.)
Waiver of Liability and Disclaimers:
This Meetup group, website, its organizer(s), and crew (the "Organizers") assume no responsibility for you or your guests. If you choose to participate in any of the Organizers' events, you assume all responsibility for yourself and your guests, and agree not to hold the "Organizers" liable in any way.
Before attending any of this meetup group's events you must agree that: 
> • you have read all rules and conditions applicable to the Event; 
> • the Event officially begins and ends at the location(s) designated by this meetup group. The Event does not include transportation, or transit to and from the Event, and you are personally responsible for all risks associated with any travel to and from the Event. Members may chose to organize their own carpooling. Some convenient carpooling locations may be suggested by the organizers but it is up to individuals to decide about their carpooling.
> • this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable. 
> • to the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to WAIVE, DISCHARGE CLAIMS, AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY the Organizers from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from Injuries and Damages, even if caused by negligence of the Organizers, in any way connected with any Organizers' event. You further agree to HOLD HARMLESS the Organizers from any claims, damages, injuries or losses caused by your own negligence while a participant at any event. You understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release is binding upon your guests, passengers, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying you at any of Organizers' events. 
> • You have read this document in its entirety and you freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such Injuries and Damages and notwithstanding such risks, you agree to participate in Organizers' event. 
You understand that participation will include a variety of hazards and dangers, foreseen or unforeseen. These hazards and dangers could result in personal injury, property damage, and death ("Injuries and Damages"). These hazards and dangers may include, but are not limited to, falling, falling objects, drowning, temperature exposure, equipment failure, improper use of equipment, inadequate or improper instruction or assistance, exposure to wild animals including poisonous animals, insects, debris, plants, unpredictable forces of nature, inclement weather, dehydration, unsanitary food or hydration. 
Assumption of Risks: 
You, for yourself and for your guest participants, if any, ACKNOWLEDGE AND ASSUME the risks of the activity in which you will be participating, whether or not those risks are described above and whether they are inherent or otherwise. It is your responsibility to inform your guests of the potential risks, and you assume any and all liability for your guests. We recommend you have them read this entire disclaimer. 
Release and Indemnity: 
To the fullest extent allowed by law, you, for yourself and for any of your guests, agree to WAIVE AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, the "Organizers" from any and all liability on account of, or in any way relating to, any loss you or your guests may suffer, including loss of or damage to property, personal injury and death in any way related to your enrollment in or participation in an activity of the "Organizers" group. You further agree to DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the "Organizers" from any claims, damages, injuries or losses either suffered by you or your guests or caused by any conduct while an enrollee or participant in an activity of the Meet Up Group. These agreements of release and indemnity include negligence of the "Organizers", but not gross negligence or intentionally wrongful behavior. 
Member Posted Events: 
This meetup group allows members to schedule meets/events/runs through its Meetup page. In such cases, this meetup group is not organizing, guiding or running the event and cannot vet or verify the level of experience of the member who posted the event, nor the level of support they are prepared to offer. Enjoy yourself, but please take extra care in such cases and do not blindly trust the organizing member as they are not part of our experienced crew. 
Photography / Video Release:
Participant hereby grants to the Organizer, and / or its representatives, the right to take photographs / videos of Participant in connection with Participant’s participation in these Activities. Participant hereby authorizes the Organizer, and / or its representatives, to copyright, use, and publish the same in print and /or electronically. Participant hereby agrees that the Organizer, and / or its representative, may use such photographs of participant for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.
Food Safety & Allergy Disclaimers: 
• By participating in these events, you understand that any food items being made available at the event, be it shared by members, or prepared by third party vendors, or otherwise, are not necessarily prepared in commercial kitchens or spaces inspected by any government agency. 
• By participating in these events, you assume all liability; specifically, you agree to not hold liable the Organizers or other participants for the cleanliness, suitability, freshness or safety of any food you may be offered or consume. 
Because members often share food at our events, or sometimes events are catered by third party vendors, or both, it cannot be guaranteed that every allergen in the food served will be identified and labeled either. 
The possibility that caterers or manufacturers of the foods members consume, bring, use or prepare at home could change the formulation at any time, without notice also exists. Customers concerned with food allergies must be aware of this risk. Attendees with life threatening food allergies who may need to use an epi-pen should be carrying their own. The Organizers are NOT trained to administer epi-pens and CANNOT provide or administer them. 
We cannot guarantee the absence of cross contamination in any food items shared by members or prepared by third party vendors, nor can we guaranty the safety or cleanliness of the ingredients as we do not prepare any of the food ourselves. 
The Organizers will not assume any liability for adverse reactions to foods consumed, or items one may come in contact with, while eating at any of the Organizers' events. 
Therefore, in consideration of being permitted to participate in any of our meetup events where food prepared, cooked, perishable or otherwise, are transported, further prepared, and consumed, you, for yourself, your heirs, guests, family members, personal representatives or assigns, agents, employees and affiliates, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Organizers from liability from any and all claims resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation or food consumption at the Event. 
Participation in any Event carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary and can include but are not limited to cooking food thoroughly; separating and not cross contaminating foods; chilling or refrigerating food appropriately; cleaning foodstuffs, instruments and hands used in and for food preparation; fire or gas hazards. 
You agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Organizers from any, and all, claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees brought as a result of any involvement in Event, whether brought by you, your company or its agents or employees, or other third parties, and to reimburse the indemnities for any such expenses incurred. 
You have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that you are giving up substantial rights, including any right to sue. You acknowledge that participation in the event requires you agree to these terms and that you are doing so freely and voluntarily, are over the age of 25, and intend by your participation to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. 
COVID-19 Liability Release Waiver
The World Health Organization has declared the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) a worldwide pandemic. Due to its capacity to transmit from person-to-person through respiratory droplets, the government has set recommendations, guidelines, and some prohibitions which this meetup group (the "Organization") adheres to comply.
a-    In consideration of my participation in the foregoing, the undersigned acknowledge and agree to the following:
1-   I am aware of the existence of the risk on my physical appearance to the venue and my participation to the activity of the Organization that may cause injury or illness such as, but not limited to Influenza, MRSA, or COVID-19 that may lead to paralysis or death.
2-   I have not experienced symptoms that of fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, or dry cough or exhibiting any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or any communicable disease within the last 14 days.
3-   I have not, nor any member(s) of my household, traveled by sea or by air, internationally within the past 30 days.
4-   I did not, nor any member of my household, visit any area within the United States that was reported to be highly affected by COVID-19, in the last 14 days.
5-   I have not been, nor any member(s) of my household, diagnosed to be infected of COVID-19 virus within the last 14 days.
b-  Following the pronouncements above I hereby declare the following:
1-   I am fully and personally responsible for my own safety and actions while and during may participation and I recognize that I may be in any case be at risk of contracting COVID-19.
2-   With full knowledge of the risks involved, I hereby release, waive, discharge the Organization, its board, officers, independent contractors, affiliates, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or death, that may be sustained by me related to COVID-19 while participating in any activity while in, on, or around the premises or while using the facilities that may lead to unintentional exposure or harm due to COVID-19.
3-   I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Organization from and against any, and all, costs, expenses, damages, lawsuits, and/or liabilities or claims arising whether directly or indirectly from or related to any and all claims made by or against any of the released party due to injury, loss, or death from or related to COVID-19.
c-   By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Liability Release Waiver and understand its contents; that I am at least eighteen (18) years old and fully competent to give my consent; That I have been sufficiently informed of the risks involved and give my voluntary consent in signing this Liability Release Waiver as my own free act and deed with full intention to be bound by the same, and free from any inducement or representation.
This waiver will remain effective until laws and mandates relevant to COVID-19 are lifted.