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What we’re about

Who we are:

We’re a group of passionate software testers in Melbourne with an enthusiastic drive for technology. Unlike other testing meet-up groups, we focus primarily on test-automation; the tools and technology to make our lives in testing more effective and efficient.

Why Attend?

  • Networking Opportunities: Meet and interact with like-minded professionals in the software test automation field.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Engage in insightful discussions and share your experiences and challenges.
  • Collaboration: Discover potential collaborations and partnerships within the community.
  • Career Growth: Attend out events to learn the best & latest for career progression, meet your next employee/employer/team-mate!

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With members ranging from different professional backgrounds and expertise, the intent of this group is to network and educate members in automation testing. The meet-up will be structured around knowledge sharing sessions from experts in Automation, whereby new tools, standards and best practices will be explored. Through progressive learning, information is distributed through collaboration and members will be able to apply this new knowledge to improve the quality and level of testing at their company.
For our upcoming events please browse through events listed on or

-Team STAG

Upcoming events (2)

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