Lehigh Valley Students of Stoicism: 2nd Meetup - Enchiridion 1-10
Thank you all for your participation at the last meetup. I look forward to continuing this group with both familiar faces and newcomers.
For the 2nd meetup, we will continue to meet at the West End Pub in Quakertown.
We will be continue to solidify the material we are working from a few sources but for this 2nd meet up, let's focus on the Enchiridion (found free online here: https://classics.mit.edu/Epictetus/epicench.html) or (https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0237%3Atext%3Denc)
We will be reading and discussing 1-10 in detail.
I will tie parts of it back to the Stoicism book by Sellars for more context.
I look forward to meeting everyone!
Lehigh Valley Students of Stoicism: 2nd Meetup - Enchiridion 1-10