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What we’re about

TLDR: A social group for adults with ADHD where we don’t have to mask.

Welcome to the ADHD Innovators & Forget-Me-Nots Social – where forgetfulness and interrupting are not just tolerated, but celebrated! 🎉

Are you tired of being in social situations where you feel like you don't quite fit in? Look no further! Our meetup is a haven for adults with ADHD, a place where we can gather and let our authentic selves shine. Join us for our hilarious and unpredictable social events!

Get ready to unleash your creativity and entrepreneurial spirit as we share our latest business and crazy ideas. But beware, the conversations might be more like a whirlwind brainstorming session – with ideas flying left and right, and sentences cut off mid-flight. Don't worry, that's just how we roll!

Remembering names can be a challenge for us all, so we've got your back with optional name tags. No more awkward moments of trying to recall someone's name mid-conversation. Instead, embrace the camaraderie of fellow forget-me-nots, knowing that we're all in this together.

While we aren't a support or therapy group, we're here to lend an ear and laugh off life's challenges. Share your favourite memes, quirky stories, or anything that makes you go "oh, shiny!" – we'll totally get it.

So, whether you're an entrepreneur with a dozen half-baked ideas or just a daydreamer with an insatiable curiosity for life, come join us. It's a place where being perfectly imperfect is celebrated, and where friendships are formed amidst the joyful chaos of our beautifully neurodivergent minds.

The struggle may be real, but together, we'll navigate it with laughter, sympathy, and a dash of whimsy. See you at the next gathering, where the only rule is to be yourself – unapologetically and authentically ADHD! 🚀😄