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Walk ’n’ Talk


Walk ’n’ Talk is the practice of mindful walking with peers – so this is not about silent reflection, but rather about taking a walk and clearing the chatter in our heads!

Joyful walking has many benefits. Not only are there physical benefits of walking in itself but the mindful discussion which has been known to help reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate, create feelings of well-being, improve your mood, and help to manage stress…

All of this will provide you with better sleep, which in turn gives you all the benefits of good sleep such as immune strength, weight management benefits, improved moods, and increased productivity science tells us so much more!

Walk ‘n’ Talk meets at the square on the corner of Yurong and Stanley Street Darlinghurst at 7:15 pm and starts to walk to Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair no later than 7:30 pm.

We complete a full circle as such and the investment of time averages around 45 minutes.

Please wear comfortable clothes, and running shoes and stretch before you arrive at the start point.


  • All participants are reminded that they are participating under no duress, hence the hosts will action an all care no responsibility approach.
  • If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you do not attend.
  • You are the manager of your body and the extent to which you push yourself, although this is a gentle exercise approach only extend yourself as far as you feel comfortable doing so.
  • Although this group is moderated it is not counselled.
  • Please do not use this forum to seek clinical support, but rather as a safe space for peer support.

In times of bad weather such as heavy rain, dangerous winds, or rolling storms – the group will not walk for safety reasons.

Photo of Sydney Joyful Movement & Jolly Steps Meetup group
Sydney Joyful Movement & Jolly Steps Meetup
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Every week on Monday

Yurong Street
Yurong St · Darlinghurst, NS
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