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SSP BAYWALK 7km from BirkenheadPoint

Photo of Stanley Anagnostou
Hosted By
Stanley A. and 2 others
SSP BAYWALK 7km from BirkenheadPoint


Welcome to my hood! Let’s take a leisurely stroll around this wonderful strip of water covering 7 kilometres and numerous photographic opportunities. Over the last couple of years we have had several new additions and enhancements. These include the Hawthorne Canal walkover, new Touched by Olivia play space at King George Park, new skate park next to Le Montage etc. The walk should take no more than 2 hours allowing plenty of time for photo stops etc. We will start from Birkenhead Point (Milligram Cafe see photo top level far end facing bay)and return to La Petite Cafe (see photo, bottom level near food court)for lunch and fully licenced and or shopping for those interested. Parking on site or buses from the city. For those wanting a shorter walk it is exactly 3kms to Le Montage about 35 minutes. At leisurely pace should be able to complete within 90 minutes

Photo of Sydney Street Photographers group
Sydney Street Photographers
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