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What we’re about

Hey all! This is a new group here dedicated to hiking of ALL levels. Boots are not just for hiking, so we'll talk snow sports when the mountain's turn white again.

So as many of you probably know Shannon is shutting down Hikers and Company. She feels that it's run it's course, and I totally get. So in the shadow of a giant (insert nervous smiley face here) I hope this group will come close to replacing it. Shannon approves so far.

Obviously this is about hiking, but I may change the name to include other things. I'd like organizers to feel free to post what they want.

If you are already an organizer (or would like to be one) please let me know.

It's not free to run a Meetup group. I have no desire to require membership dues (which is an option in setting up a group I found out). So anything you can do to keep this site up would be appreciated.

Thank you Arthur for being a Co-Organizer on this.


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