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Amazon FBA Sellers Meet Up

Photo of Athena Severi
Hosted By
Athena S. and 2 others
Amazon FBA Sellers Meet Up


Ros, one of our local Titan Members would like to invite you to our next Networking Lunch. This is a great opportunity for Amazon & Shopify Sellers to get together to talk all things eCommerce. With Black Friday just around the corner there's sure to be a lot to share !!

You are very welcome to bring along a business partner or significant other. All that we ask is that you pay for your own lunch and drinks.

It's a great venue, the view looks over to Darling Harbour. Food options are flexible, light lunches and salads or Brazilian BBQ. They accommodated us really well last time, if it's a hot day the sea breezes will keep the temperature down !

Come prepared to share and learn. We are an informal group and love to meet new people. Please take note of the RSVP as table space is limited.

Please note - this is not a lecture, there is no formal presentation so please don't expect this to be the A-Z of how to sell on Amazon.

Photo of Amazon Seller Meetup | Sydney group
Amazon Seller Meetup | Sydney
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Friday 18 October 2024
7:00 am
Brazilico Brazilian Churrusco
19 Lime Street, King Street Wharf · New South Wales
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