What we’re about
Ahoj! Hello! Our community has greatly expanded over the years. We welcome members from the North Carolina Triangle area, including Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Durham, and surrounding towns.
This Meetup serves to connect people who are interested in Czech and Slovak culture, language, music, food, etc. Our events provide friendly, casual gatherings for members to get to know each other.
We welcome Czech/Slovak natives, descendants, spouses, and anyone else who has some Czech/Slovak connection or interest.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Mikuláš & Sviatočná OslavaAmberly Residents Club, Cary, NC
Come enjoy a Czech/Slovak Holiday party and meet Mikuláš! Your children will receive a special treat, and we will provide refreshments for everyone!
Recommended donation: $5 per child or $10 per family.
2:00-5:00 pm
Amberly Residents Club, 1075 Residents Club Dr, Cary, NCPlease let us know how many children will attend so that Mikuláš can prepare accordingly (maximum 40 children): https://tinyurl.com/Mikulas2024
FOOD: The party is a potluck, so please bring a dish to share, if you'd like (this is not required). Please bring your own serving spoons or anything else you need for your dish.
DRINKS: We will provide water and other non-alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is permitted. You can bring your own if you like.
We look forward to seeing everyone again!!!
Share via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/802661501872024/
Share via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10779662/Czech and Slovak School of North Carolina
Web: http://czechslovakschoolnc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/czechslovakschoolnc