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Beach Voley para begginers

Foto de Daniel Peñalver
Hosted By
Daniel P.
Beach Voley para begginers


Para tod@s los principiantes que queréis aprender a jugar beach voley, este es su evento. Enseñaremos paso a paso como se juega, la técnica, las posiciones en el campo y más que todo nos divertiremos. Espero veros pronto.

For all the beginners who want to learn to play beach volleyball, this is your event. We will teach step by step how to play, the technique, the positions on the field and most of all we will have fun. I hope to see you soon.

Photo of Beach Voley Fun Barcelona group
Beach Voley Fun Barcelona
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Every week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

somorrostro beach (in front of opium)
paseo maritimo 36 · Barcelona
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
0,01 EUR