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Elevate your Vibration, Clear your Energy

Foto de Yavidan Violeta
Hosted By
Yavidan V.
Elevate your Vibration, Clear your Energy


"If you want to know the Secrets of the Universe, think on terms of Frequency, Energy & Vibration"
Nikola Tesla

Everything is Energy, Where attention goes, Energy flows, You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are, these are some phrases we hear often and are inspiring and we know they are true.

But at what level do we own them, at what level do we know our Energy, do we Master our Energy.

We become masters of our day to day as we know more and more to master our Energy and Frequency, not always easy in this stressed busy world, but possible if we put our Consciousness.

In this Masterclass I will teach you what I have learnt from teachers in the East, West and Shamans in South America.
We will touch 3 aspects:

  1. Energy and Your Energy Field: A brief practical explanation and Meditation to feel and expand your Energy Field.
  2. Elevating your Frequency: The Keys to elevating your Energy everyday in practical way as well as a breathwork exercise to help you at any moment.
  3. Clearing your Energy Frequency: This one is a power key, we can be geniuses on energy but if we don’t know how to clear it, we may be carrying stuff is not ours and limiting our potential an draining our energy. I will teach you how my teacher in Peru thought me to do it.

This is a complete masterclass with practical tools to look at your relationship with your Energy and the world in a different way.

This is a special class with limited space (8 participants)
Place: El Carmen (Address given after RSVP)
Time: 5pm - 7:30pm
Cost: 30 Euros (RSVP required with 10 Euros by Bizum, revolut or paypal.)
Info and RSVP by whatsapp: +34.663.65.60.46
Please only reserve if you plan to come. I prepare these spaces with consciousness, do as you would like be done to you. Everything is Energy :).
Look forward to meet you there.
Yavidan is passionate about her workshops, full of knowledge, experience and always sweet details. I have attended both her workshops and Cacao ceremonies and always receive more than I expect.
Nina (Germany)

Photo of Creativity, Energy & Consciousness group
Creativity, Energy & Consciousness
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