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De qué se trata

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs.

Join our new edition of Malaga Toasmaster Club's - this one will be English only Club to help us all create more success on global scale by delivering stunning speaches!
Club will get together bi-weekly and these evenings will be interactive, full of learning and FUN!
By joining Malaga Toastmaster English speking Club you will improve:
-overall public speaking skills
-active listening skills
-your ability to give structured feedback
-impro skills
-leadership and meeting management skills

We will start our official meetings late September, before that we will organize a "demo evening" on the 18th of September, stay tuned for event invitation for that! (Demo evening will give you a great overview of the structure and all the fun during the typical TM session!)
Cost of Toastmasters Club will be 60 usd semiannually + one time joining fee of 20 usd

Próximos eventos (1)

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