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De qué se trata

Prueba algo nuevo, diferente, que te pondrá a prueba,
¡Entrena como un militar! (Warrior Fit Training). Con este tipo de entrenamiento mejorarás tu condición física, movilidad, equilibrio, rusticidad y resiliencia, sin necesidad de equipamiento.

Las clases tienen una duración de 1h a 1h15, e incluyen entrenamiento funcional militar, ejercicios de decisión, ejercicios de liderazgo y prácticas de autodefensa.

“Be Battle Ready”, “Be Life Ready”, vuélvete resiliente física y mentalmente, conoce tus límites, trabaja tu autodisciplina y tu autoestima. Descúbrete y aprende a liderar y a trabajar en equipo.

¿Aceptas el desafío?

Try something new, different, that will test you,
Train like a military man! (Warrior Fit Training). With this type of training you will improve your physical condition, mobility, balance, hardiness and resilience, without the need for equipment.
Classes last from 1 hour to 1 hour 15, and include military functional training, decision exercises, leadership exercises and self-defense practices.
“Be Battle Ready”, “Be Life Ready”, become physically and mentally resilient, know your limits, work on your self-discipline and self-esteem. Discover yourself and learn to lead and work as a team.
Do you accept the challenge?

# Exercise disclaimer

Before participating in any exercise programme or completing any exercise please ensure you have read and understood the following:
- You should always consult with a medical professional before commencing any new exercise program or activity.
- If you have any underlying medical conditions you should consult with your GP or healthcare professional to confirm that the exercises/exercise program you are looking to follow is appropriate for you and your needs.
- If you are fit and well, or been given approval to take part in exercise by your GP/healthcare provider, please ensure that you take responsibility with regard to your health and always stop activity if a new health issue occurs or an existing condition worsens.
- Be aware that taking part in exercise does have an element of risk of injury. Therefore please take appropriate steps to ensure you are working in a safe environment, wearing appropriate attire, following instructions correctly, and have medical clearance to take part.
- If you are not feeling well before you start exercise do not continue and seek advice from a professional.
- Military Bootcamp will not be held liable for any injuries caused, and will be released from any claims of negligence. Ensure your exercise/activity programme is safe and effective at all times!

Próximos eventos (4+)

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