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De qué se trata

This is a group for writers of all levels (from beginners through to experienced authors), who would like to meet other writers and hear and critique each others work, as well as write together and discuss literature.

PLEASE NOTE: We will be taking a break during July and August, but the group events will restart again in September.

We run:

  • A Wednesday writing group - where we do a writing exercise and then you can read poetry, prose, novels, blogs, scripts, non-fiction (in English) and receive feedback.
  • An informal Saturday writing get together - where writing group members can come along, meet others, share book recommendations, do some writing or just hang out!

Once you have been to an event, you can join the WhatsApp group where you can post your writing and communicate with everyone!

Why be part of our group?

  1. Get feedback on a work in progress and/or the state of a new piece. You don't have to listen to everything everyone says, but if a few people say the same thing, where there's smoke, there's likely fire!
  2. Practice presentation and speaking abilities. Reading your work in front of others, even without feedback, will help you find the areas you need to rewrite.
  3. Meet other writers-- maybe learn something from them! Find the people who you can bounce ideas off, the people who'll beta-read your novel, the people who will see your piece improve over time and get to know you as a writer.
  4. Productivity: plan to come regularly so you will have a deadline for a new/edited piece.
  5. Get book recommendations in our informal saturday sessions
  6. Hone your writing!

Receiving feedback: listen, reflect, consider, make notes. You do not have to agree with everything, but you will get more if you listen. Please avoid arguing, justifying or explaining your piece.

Giving feedback: be focused and constructive. Try to emphasis feedback of the craft over personal opinions or anecdotes. Consider whether what you're about to say will HELP the writer AND the piece.

At the meetup, you can choose to read out something you've written, and get feedback from others attending. Or you can just come along and be part of it!

I started this group in January to build a community of writers in Sevilla. And now we have a brilliant group of people who attend every week!
So while I will still come to events when I can (I live some of the year in Bordeaux, France) each meeting one of our awesome group members will be the nominated 'MC'!

For more about me just visit

If you have any questions let me know.

Próximos eventos (4+)

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