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Let's Talk About Love Baby! Intro Meetup

Foto de Xine La Fontaine | Love Coach
Hosted By
Xine La Fontaine | Love C.


What does the sentence LEAD WITH LOVE evoke in you?

What do you want MORE of in love or life?
What are you so excited about... or losing faith in, when it comes to feeling empowered, or confident in your overall engagement in relationships (whether romantic, platonic or entrepreneurial).

This first meetup is for us to connect and for me to get a feel for where each of you are at in your love life, expat or work life, and how you feel you are leading (or not!) overall.

I'll share some potent Love Coaching tools.

Let's enjoy Valencia's beautiful Turia sun.
Bring snacks, feel free to invite (women / feminine beings) friends along.

Follow my new IG account here if you haven't already!

Xine XOX

Photo of Lead with Love - Community & Events Valencia - (EN/ES/FR) group
Lead with Love - Community & Events Valencia - (EN/ES/FR)
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