info session Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching & Inter-Personal Facilitation
I am excited to share this with you. Free 30-minute info session - to meet the amazing people, ask questions & find out more. An excellent opportunity to become an internationally-accredited Mentor, Coach & Interpersonal Facilitator. These people & this course are amazing. World class. I highly recommend. Come see how good it is - Simon.
They write:
Hi there and welcome! We are excited to have another intake coming up for our Diploma in Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation. If you would like to know more, then feel free to jump on this call and we will share what to expect. Course starts mid-September
Many thanks
The GCA Team.
[email protected]
Every week on Friday until March 3, 2025
info session Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching & Inter-Personal Facilitation