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Lets Make a Short Film in Playa del Carmen

Foto de Alex Torres
Hosted By
Alex T.
Lets Make a Short Film in Playa del Carmen


Join us for the first official gathering of "Let's Create a Short Film PDC!" Whether you're an actor, filmmaker, writer, or just passionate about the world of cinema, this is the perfect opportunity to collaborate, network, and bring our creative ideas to life.
What to Expect:

  • Meet & Greet: Connect with fellow creatives and discuss your interests and expertise.
  • Project Pitch: Introduction to the short film concept we aim to develop. We encourage you to bring your ideas and scripts to share!
  • Role Assignments: Opportunities to sign up for various roles in the production process.
  • Networking: Build connections that can help turn your film dreams into reality.

Who Should Attend:

  • Actors looking for roles in an upcoming short film.
  • Filmmakers and directors seeking creative and technical challenges.
  • Writers who wish to see their stories come alive on screen.
  • Anyone enthusiastic about film production and eager to learn more about the industry.

Medidas de seguridad de la COVID-19

El evento se celebrará en interiores
El anfitrión del evento establece las anteriores medidas de seguridad para este evento. Meetup no es responsable de garantizar, ni de verificar de forma independiente, que se sigan estas precauciones.
Photo of Playa del Carmen Videography and Feature Film Meetup Group group
Playa del Carmen Videography and Feature Film Meetup Group
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Mzn 103 · Playa del Carmen
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