Check the 2600 website for more details: . Video chat is at:
Monthly meeting usually involves a CTF (if you want to participate), in which case bring a laptop, if you have Kali, BackBox, or security tools installed great!
Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.
When they are in person, our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court ( in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree. Lenox Square Mall 3393 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30326
All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.