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"Heresies" within Early Christianity

Photo of David Miller
Hosted By
David M.
"Heresies" within Early Christianity


EXISTENTIALIST MEETUP - Melbourne, Australia.

Our monthly online series on the History of Religion.
The presentations are followed by questions, comments and discussion.
All viewpoints welcome.

Early Religion: An Alternative History
What do the historians and archaeologists think of the veracity of religious legends? Legends are an amalgamation of history and mythology. But how much of each?

The "Heresies" were those losing varieties within early Christianity which were labelled as such by the 'victors'. The victors were the one particular variety who sold out to the Roman Emperors.
The Heresies were eventually suppressed, along with the Pagan religions.

David Miller will present the topic and lead the discussion.
He will look at the categories into which the varieties have been placed.

Wikipedia's entry on Diversity in early Christian theology

Gnosticism - YouTube: Prof. Garry Trompf (Sydney University) addressing the Existentialist Society, online, in December 2021.

Texts which may be of interest: Early Christian Writings.

The Zoom Link will appear for those who RSVP.
Meeting ID: 832 5046 0115 - - Passcode: 019049

Existentialist Society: Website - - - YouTube

Photo of Existentialist Society group
Existentialist Society
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