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What we’re about

The "Expanding Consciousness" Community is a group for connecting with other open-minded people from all walks of life with a shared interest in personal growth, consciousness expansion, psychedelic exploration, inner-work, meditation, breathwork, mindful movement, and self-exploration to help others (and ourselves) heal and increase awareness.

We organize events to create safe spaces where we can share metaphysical, transcendental, psychedelic, spiritual, expansive, and healing conversations and experiences. We believe that intention, set, setting, guidance, and integration is the key to learning from these experiences. We are a community of free-thinking, open- minded people. So engage with us!

Membership Guidelines 
* We encourage curiosity and open-mindedness in our members
* What happens in meetings stays in meetings. Please respect other’s confidentiality
* All discussions and events are declared to be safe spaces
* Group meetings are to be inclusive and free of judgment
* We do not support the promotion of any enterprise that is not aligned with our statement of intent
* We support evidence-based practices from well-regarded clinical studies.
* Individuals attempting to sell or distribute illegal substances at our events will be asked to leave
* Leaders nurture and grow with the group, not govern it