Hey basketball enthusiastics,
Welcome to our our basketball MeetUp! 🏀😃
It's time for Thursday basketball!!!
This game is open to all (subject to 16 player limit), but will follow these standard pickup rules:
Teams (4 in total) chosen by free throws (3-on-3 with 1 substitute per team)
Call your own fouls (no free throws, loose control of ball)
Play to 11 (1 point per bucket) and win by 2 points difference
Scoring team retains possession of the ball
Winner stays on the field
Playing without laughing is not having played 😉
Date: Thursday evening 19:30
Location: Klein Coolstraat (5 minutes walk from Rotteram CS)
Clothing: basketball shoes (brought, not worn outdoors to the gym)/ sport clothing
Cost: € 4,00 (costs to be paid up front via tikkie to the event organizer latest 24 hours before the start of the game)
Looking forward to seeing you inside, register now!
01- Don't be late! considering the situation everyone might be in the gym area. so no one can open the door after the start.
02- Remain home if you are ill of have been or was ill in the past 72 hours and put yourself in 14 days self-quarantine.
03- Except while playing basketball, avoid physical contact and maintain 1.5 metres distance from others. During the game try as much as you can to keep that distance.
04- Wash your hands with disinfectant (bring your own please) or soap upon entering your facilities before start playing and afterward. Try to do it as frequent as possible between games.
05- Bring your own towel and drinking bottle and make sure to mark them to prevent others from using them.
06- Aside from your shoes, it is preferable to change to sports clothes before coming to the Gym if possible. 07- Only 5 people at time are allowed in the changing room. To avoid closed spaces and contact with others sweat, the use of the changing room and showers is not allowed after the games.
08- Avoid touching your face and wiping your sweat with your arm. Use your towel.
09- Cough and sneeze into your elbow and make sure to clean your hands if you didn't mange .Use paper tissues to blow your nose and discard them after use and disinfect your hands.
10- Take home your own stuff, and don't forget to throw away your trash yourself.