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Brunch & Language Exchange

Photo of Aina SQ
Hosted By
Aina S.
Brunch & Language Exchange


Practice languages, make new friends and have a delicious Sunday Brunch with the Language Exchange International Family!!

On Sunday, we'll have our monthly Sunday Brunch. There will be a limit of attendees, so we can sit all together and enjoy the meal and the conversation :)

It includes:
• Starters to share
• 1 main to choose
• 1 juice
• 1 coffee or tea


Meeting time 12:45pm
It starts at 1pm, so please be punctual.

The brunch will be at a secret place, only the participants will know.


  1. Through a wire transfer, send an email to [email protected] for bank account details.
  2. Through Bizum, Revolut or Wise, send an email to [email protected] to get the telephone number.
  3. In cash during the previous language exchanges (Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, directly to me, Aina, the organizer)

It must be done at the latest the previous Friday. For later payments send an email to [email protected], to check if there are places available.

NO SHOWS - LATE CANCELLATIONS: there won't be refunds no matter the reason.


¡Practica idiomas, haz nuevos amigos y tómate un Brunch delicioso con la familia internacional de The Language Exchange!

El domingo haremos nuestro brunch mensual. Habrá un límite de asistentes, así nos podemos sentar todos juntos y disfrutar de la comida y de la conversación :)

• Entrantes a compartir
• 1 principal a elegir
• 1 zumo
• 1 café o té


Hora de llegada 12:45h
Empieza a las 13h, así que sé puntual, por favor.

El brunch se hará en un lugar secreto, solo los participantes lo sabrán.


  1. Mediante transferencia bancaria, mandar un correo a [email protected] para los datos bancarios.
  2. A través de Bizum, Revolut o Wise, mandar un correo a [email protected] para el número de teléfono.
  3. En efectivo durante los intercambios de idiomas previos (miércoles, jueves o viernes, directamente a mí, Aina, la organizadora)

Debe efectuarse como máximo el viernes previo. Para pagos posteriores mandar un correo a [email protected], para consultar si hay plazas libres.

NO PRESENTARSE y CANCELACIONES de último minuto: no se harán reembolsos sin importar la razón.

Photo of Expats Meetings - First expat group in Barcelona since 2009 group
Expats Meetings - First expat group in Barcelona since 2009
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Friday, September 20, 2024
6:00 PM

Every 3rd Sunday of the month

Secret Place
Only the attendees will know · Barcelona, al
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
20 spots left