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What we’re about

Welcome!   See the list below for the informative and fun opportunities in this MeetUp for living a fuller, healthier and more creative life and improving your business, altough only some of our MeetUps are about business.

Some of our new MeetUp offerings are:

~ Increase revenue for existing business
~ Networking events 
~ Resources for earning extra income (side-hustles)
~Tips on how to get your business online 
~Co-working sessions for time management & productivity
~Preventing Zoom-itis with self-care techniques 
~Opportunities to be a co-host 
~Bring your big business idea to life 
~How to create a Mastermind group to keep you on track and motivated 
~How to work better: Coffee work hours online with accountability 
~Resources and strategies for making your business life more efficient and effective

~Overcoming anxiety and overwhelm
~Getting Unstuck 
~Tips for elevating a depressed mood 
~Becoming more productive 
~Meditation and journaling 
~Goal setting 
~Dealing with isolation during these trying times 
~Time management and staying focused tips 
~Introduction to Trello, the life and work management tool
~Creativity- Kickstart, How to bring more of it into your life

~Happy hours 
~Game nights 
~Making the best of a challenging situation- what are you doing for fun? 
~Speed-friending (it's not dating, but creating connections and having some laughs)

This group is offering several 20-90 minute weekly Meetups on a variety of different topics, some are listed above, such as wellness and living a fuller life, pivoting or growing your business in these unpredictable times, and social events. The goal is to provide valuable information and connections that may alleviate some of the challenges we are facing with isolation, lack of social time, mood, lack of purpose, and possible financial issues.

We have changed the name of this MeetUp group to offer more selection to a broader audience and will still have MeetUps that address anxiety and feeling stuck. This is a space for you to meet others and feel a sense of community, which is important for your health and happiness, even if it means just logging in and listening for a while.

Some meetings may include interviews with pros to give you new insights and answers to your burning questions. 
Please let us know if you have any suggestions for topics or guest speakers, and which type of MeetUp interests you so we can put it on our schedule. 

If you are an expert and want to be a guest at one of our events, please contact Daz, the moderator.

If being in SOCIAL SITUATIONS is challenging for you, what you learn or those you connect with might change your life! Be comfortable in knowing that you will be encouraged to engage with others only at the level that you choose, so please show up and know it's OK to stay muted with your camera off and decline to engage in break-out rooms, which happens only at some MeetUp events. 
We hold our Meetups at various times of the day, including some weekends. It's OK to log on late or sign off early. It will be good to have you attend for any amount of time. 
At the end of our MeetUp, you will likely be equipped with more direct access to your own inner resources, find options to support you in taking the next steps for whatever challenges you are having, and perhaps find an empathy or accountability partner. You may even feel a little lighter!

Your host is me, Daz (Donna) Jacoby. I love bringing people together!  
I call myself a problem solver and happiness maker. I am a biofeedback trainer, and business coach, and now aditionally owner of a marketing agency, living near Santa Cruz, CA, who has worked for over 20 years with clients to improve their lives and health, mostly with a focus on anxiety management using biofeedback and neurofeedback in conjunction with an effective life-coaching program. I have been an entrepreneur for most of my adult life (and raised by entrepreneurs), with experience in a variety of fields, so I can bring insight and resources to those who need a boost in their business, or want to create a new business, including part-time side-hustles. I love creating strategies and systems and feel blessed with my intuitive qualities which help to guide my life.  

Since business coaching, biofeedback and anxiety management are my specialties, some meetings will include the science and psychology that enlightens you and introduce resources such as apps, techniques, and introductions to biofeedback for home use that may help alleviate chronic issues. This is not therapy. Rather, it is a mindset and physiology shift that supports you in making dramatic changes. There is hope for overcoming so many challenges! I see it consistently in the lives of my clients. In the not-too-distant future, I will start a test group with veterans who have PTSD. If you are interested in volunteering to get the group going, or donating, please let me know.

I look forward to seeing you! If you can't attend, please contact me if you want to know more about what you missed or the schedule for future MeetUps.