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What we’re about

(Updated 09/08/2023)
This group was set up in May 2018 with the aim of being a relaxed, friendly & fun group for women to connect, generally have a bit of a giggle but most importantly form new friendships. For many of our long-standing members this group has proved life-changing and provided a new lease for life.
Take a look at our past events for an idea of the sorts of things we do: walks, meals/drinks out, afternoon tea, Panto, Christmas events, quiz nights, theatre, Sunday roast, outdoor cinema, concerts, Tribute nights; the list goes on and all ideas are always welcome.

Who the group is for…
We’re from all walks of life and membership is open to ladies age 40+ ‘years young’ that live in Leicestershire or the surrounding counties.
We’re not about having as many members as possible. Our focus is on encouraging and energising fellow members and generally ‘being there’, as generally ‘girls’ do for new found friends.

How to join...
We ask please that you satisfy the following criteria before a request to join is approved:

  • Answer the profile questions – this includes a commitment to pay up to £5 annually by bank transfer towards the Meetup costs of running the group (a reminder will be sent out when payment is due).
  • Upload a head & shoulders picture of yourself – this is so members recognise one other at events and can welcome new members.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The organisers give their time freely in the interests of the success and existence of this group with no financial gain, so please, always be kind, courteous and respectful to them and all our members. ❤️ Any member, or guest of a member, that’s reported as disregarding the above shall be removed immediately. We are here to build people up not tear them down.

For members’ information and for transparency, the subscription payment goes towards:

  • Meetup subscription costs - we currently subscribe every 6 months and around the time it is due we will send a request for payment to all current members.
  • Compensating organisers on the rare occasion they’re left out of pocket if there are no-shows to an event/a member fails to pay. (Within reason if/when this happens, the member will be removed from the group if they fail to cover the out-of-pocket cost as a result of non-attendance).
  • For milestone birthdays for long-standing members, we may sometimes pay for a cake/flowers/ card.
  • Small gestures of thanks to the regular organisers of events as a sign of appreciation.
  • Booking fees at some events.
  • Other small sundry items.

Where there’s a cost/deposit for an event please make payment as advised by the organiser in the event information section before the deadline specified OR within 72 hours of making your RSVP.
For payments NOT made within these timescales your RSVP will be cancelled by the host and where applicable your place offered to a member on the ‘waiting list’. This is to assist with the smooth running of events and the group.

RSVP’s to events...
Please only RSVP ‘yes’ if you’re sure you’re able to make it. We appreciate other commitments and unforeseen events crop up out of the blue, but if a member is frequently a ‘no show’ or changes their RSVP very last minute, then as organisers we reserve the right to cancel that person’s membership & remove them at our discretion.

Guests/Plus 1’s...
Members can bring guests to an event if the organiser allows this functionality. A member’s plus 1 can attend 2 events without charge but after that they’ll be asked to either become a paid member themselves (via their group member) or to pay £1.00 per event thereafter to the organiser of the event they’re attending.

Dietary requirements...
If you have any specific dietary requirements, to be 100% certain your needs are catered for we advise you to personally contact and the venue so that your needs aren’t accidentally overlooked.