Disestablish and be damned: why it’s time to separate Church and State.
Sunday February 16th 7.15 for 7.30pm
Hop Blossom Pub, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX
A talk by Stephen Evans, chief executive, National Secular Society.
The latest census revealed that England is no longer a majority-Christian country.
Meanwhile, our head of state retains the title of Defender of the Faith; laws requiring Christian worship in schools remain in place; and Church of England bishops retain seats as of right in the legislature.
In this talk Stephen will explore the relationship between religion and state and argue that the time has come to disestablish the Church of England.
NB The talk will follow a brief Farnham Humanists AGM.
Do come along and join in the discussion. Everyone is welcome!!
Non-members £3. Members free. Drinks are available at the Pub
For more information see https://farnham.humanist.org.uk/disestablish-and-be-damned-why-its-time-to-separate-church-and-state/
Disestablish and be damned: why it’s time to separate Church and State.