The How Money Works Financial Education Class For Teens and Young Adults (16-19)
Hosted By
Mia F.
Join Financial Empowerment for the Financially Savvy for an insightful event on "How Money Works Financial Education Class" gives teens and young adults the ability to understand and use financial knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about money.
The Class Includes:
- Understanding how to effectively earn, manage, and invest money.
- Apprehending how insurance works, including types of insurance, pools, premiums, and deductibles.
- Learning how your credit scores and credit reports affect where you live, get hired, and is a major factor in your ability to purchase items.
- Recognizing different types of debt and several enemies to wealth,
- Knowing financial principles like compound interest, rate-of return, the 3 categories of money, and the time value of money.
This class is normally $39,00 but for this event it's $35.00.
You can sign up At online payment@Financial Legacy Firm Click Payment Option.
Financial Empowerment for the Financially Savvy
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709 S Air Depot Blvd · Oklahoma City, OK
The How Money Works Financial Education Class For Teens and Young Adults (16-19)
20 spots left