Karaoke Night and Sing-A-Long!
I have gotten an infusion of either courage or stupidity and decided to host a karaoke event! I hope you will come join me and either sing a song, or appreciate others who do! If you want to sing, please be prepared with a song. (Go to You Tube and type in the word karaoke with the name of a song you'd like to sing. Try out several versions, if they exist, choose one, and be prepared to share your screen on zoom.) Practice your song to make sure it is in a key that works with your voice. I have a low voice now, so I search for "alto songs for women," and get a lot to choose from.
The folks who come to the event will be able to mute their microphones and sing along with those who sing! It will be a lot of fun! Come and try it out. Please be compassionate and appreciative.
I recently got in touch with how disappointed I am if people sign up and then don't come to this event. We need at least 3 or 4 people to make it enjoyable. So--if no one signs up for this event, I will cancel it, and if people sign up and then don't come, I will leave after 15 minutes. Thank you for your courtesy.
Every week on Saturday until May 3, 2025
Karaoke Night and Sing-A-Long!