Meditation and Blessings Online
Join us in the Sacred Space we're creating together online. We offer a powerful meditation to open the energy and release blocks. Then receive a blessing or benediction of grace from Source.
Please prepare for this space in the following way:
1. Please be in a private space with no pets and no food
2. Turn off your cell phone (unless you need it for Zoom)
3. If you have a candle or incense, light it. Otherwise put something by your computer that is sacred to you.
3. Turn on your video.
4. Put your screen on gallery view (and we'll explain this if you need help).
4. Come into relational presence - we'll work with you on this.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 635 622
Password: 056109
We are grateful for donations to Flowering Heart Center at
Every week on Monday
Meditation and Blessings Online