What we’re about
Bine ai venit in comunitatea Flutter din Bucuresti, Romania.
Sunt atat de multe noutati in lumea mobile de cand Google a lansat Open-Source Flutter, incat simtim nevoia sa discutam, sa ne consultam cu cei care au avut sau isi doresc sa aiba experiente in sfera dezvoltarii de aplicatii mobile.
Totul se intampla atat de repede, iar noi vrem sa facem tot posibilul ca sa nu ratam nimic.
Motivul pentru care am lansat acest grup este ca doar impartasindu-ne experientele devenim mai puternici.
Incepand cu Decembrie 2020, vom incerca sa ne intalnim lunar pentru cate o sesiune online in care vom discuta despre noutatile din lumea Flutter si vom urmari cateva prezentari din lumea dezvoltarii aplicatiilor mobile si a software-ului in general, fie ele cu specific tehnic, inspirational sau de bussines.
Oricine este binevenit.
Indiferent de nivelul tau de experienta, chiar daca esti doar un simplu fan al tehnologiei, interesat de noutati, incepator in lumea IT, un programator entuziast, designer sau orice altceva, esti binevenit.
Asadar, bine ai venit in grupul romanesc de Flutter Bucharest!
Vrem sa te cunoastem si sa te avem alaturi in aceasta comunitate, iar dupa ce termini procesul de inscriere, lasa-ne un mesaj prin care sa ne spui ce te-a determinat sa acesezi acest grup si ce asteptari ai de la sesiunile de Meetup din viitor.
Suntem si pe Discord: https://discord.gg/cyxmcP9JuE
Te asteptam!
Esti bine-venit de oriunde ai fi, iar daca esti din Timisoara sau Cluj-Napoca si vrei sa te intalnesti si fizic cu membrii din comunitatile locale din Romania, acceseaza link-urile de mai jos.
Flutter Timisoara - https://4142298.xyz/flutter-timisoara/
Flutter Cluj-Napoca - https://4142298.xyz/flutter-cluj-napoca/
Flutter și sigla aferentă sunt mărci comerciale ale Google LLC.
Nu suntem aprobați sau afiliați cu Google LLC.
Flutter Bucharest Meetup nu sunt afiliati sau sponsorizati de Google LLC
Welcome to the Bucharest Flutter community.
There are so many interesting things world of Google's Open-Source Flutter technology that we feel the need to discuss, show and consult with those who have had or want to have experience with the world of mobile application development.
Everything happens so fast and a lot, and we do everything possible not to miss anything.
The more we know, the stronger we become.
This is also the reason why we launched this Meetup.
We will meet monthly to discuss issues related to technologies, experiences, and challenges in the world of Flutter web and mobile app development.
Starting with December 2020, we try to meet monthly for an online session. We will discuss the news in the world of Flutter, and we will follow some presentations from the technical areas to the business of the world of mobile application development.
Anyone is welcome.
Regardless of your level of experience, you are welcome whether you are a fan of technology, interested in what is new, a beginner in the world of IT, or programmer, a designer, or anything else.
Welcome to the Romanian Flutter Bucharest Meetup Group!
We want to meet you and have you as a part of our community, so after joining the group, let us know what drives you here and what you expect from this meetup.
We are also present on Discord: https://discord.gg/cyxmcP9JuE
You are welcome to join from anywhere you want, just in case you are from Timisoara or Cluj-Napoca and you want to meet physically the local members, join the other local communities from the links below
Flutter Timisoara - https://4142298.xyz/flutter-timisoara/
Flutter Cluj-Napoca - https://4142298.xyz/flutter-cluj-napoca/
Looking forward to meeting you!
Flutter and the related logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Flutter Romania Meetup is not affiliated with or otherwise sponsored by Google LLC