Sunday Six Challenge

Join us for some writing time. We'll meet at Avogadro's Number (Avo's) so that folks can join us who may have physical accessibility needs. It's also large enough for us to spread out. I hope you can meet with us in person at Avogadro's Number.
Are you up for the challenge?
The premise is simple. Meet on Sunday at 9:15 a.m., a writing prompt will be given, and each participant cranks out (at least) six hundred words in two hours to form a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end. We'll spend the last hour reading the work. No critiques just positive reinforcement.
Topic/phrase and criteria will be announced at the meeting.
Avo's has yummy breakfast items and awesome Bloody Marys so please help us support them. They open at 9 so we will start at 9:15 so that we are mostly settled before we start.
Hope to see you there!!

Sunday Six Challenge