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What we’re about

Now we are on as well :)

Focusmates is a group in Tokyo/Kanto for anyone studying for professional work-related certifications, or working towards any other work or side-hustle goals, finds the “body doubling” focus method effective, or just wants/needs a healthy dose of accountability (peer pressure!) to unlock your best work and achieve those goals!

Our group isn’t only limited to study. We welcome anyone aiming toward professional certification(s), but also anyone working on career (or side hustle!) goals, & wanting to study/co-work together with other likeminded people.

Examples include:
• PMP (Project Management Professional)
• JLPT N2/N1 (Japanese)
• DELE B1~C2 (Spanish)
• Certifications like CSM (SCRUM), CAPM, CBAP, CPA/CFA, PHR/SPHR etc
• Various Coding, App or Web Dev Languages
• AI and LLM Developing
• Grant/Business Plan/Venture Capital Pitch Writing
…and more!


The group’s aim is to bring together people from diverse backgrounds for “serious” focus sessions, with the deliberately in-person “body-doubling” format that is extremely effective! This also gives us opportunities for networking, idea exchange, second-language practice etc during the breaks.

Introverts, extroverts, everyone in between - members can be as involved (or not!) in any break-time chats as they like. But our primary aim will always be to unlock serious focus and productivity, and help you get sh*t done.

Please Note: taking opportunities before/after & in breaks to network, discuss ideas etc is 100% encouraged - it’s a nice side-benefit of our in-person format. But session schedules are carefully set to ensure plenty of focused work/study gets done during every session.
 Thanks for your cooperation in this.

So join us, get in the zone, and be held accountable to your session aims and goals by a super friendly group of other professionals with a similar mindset!


We meet regularly in our awesome study area in Ariake. We’re lucky to have a wonderful light-filled space with a fantastic view over all of Tokyo Bay and the Rainbow Bridge for our meetups. And if weather is nice and participants are keen, there’s also a spacious outdoor terrace we can sit at too.

Lunch, snacks and drinks can be purchased at the study area or you can bring your own food/drink. Microwaves are available. The study area cafe sells various freshly baked goods, fresh salads, hot meals and hot/cold drinks (soft/alcohol). Or grab something from the combini or supermarket that’s right nearby.


Meetups are kept very low-cost, we only ask for “one-coin” donations to try to cover some costs.

Occasional special “Study & Sweat” events are scheduled, so keep an eye out for announcements!
 These are at a small extra cost for use of the gym/bath.

Focusmates is an inclusive group - all are welcome! LGBTQ+, any nationality, language, folks with a disability etc - bigotry/discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. The area we study is accessibility-friendly, but if you use a wheelchair, please notify organizers in advance so we can do our best to accommodate your needs with regards to the meeting point, arrangement for toilet access etc.