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What we’re about

Traditionally prepared real whole foods** and unrestricted access to those foods are the preference for those who gather here.  These foods have enhanced nutrient density, impart healing and restoration to every part of our systems and have been the most bio compatible for our bodies throughout history.

More scientific and demonstrable pre-agriculture food preferences and philosophies are also welcome on this meetup.  We promote nutritionally dense traditional foods as opposed to the nutrient hollow "foods of modern commerce".

Meetup gatherings can build relationships.  We want to support and encourage voluntary exchange of strategies, designs and marketing ideas for promoting and encouraging our chosen food and health paths.  We share information, techniques and resource lists to encourage and mentor the greatest number of healthy food choices.  We work to form voluntary connections to healthy choices using creative engagement and cooperative agreement.

If your interest is focused on healthful traditional foods as a tool for freedom of both the body and the mind, please join us!  We welcome polite and civil debate AND foster FaceTIME experiences.  We gather to enjoy healthy exchange and healthy food, to solve problems, resolve differences and build lasting and meaningful relationships.

**What happens to foods BEFORE we eat them is almost as important as the foods we eat, particularly in regard to grains, grasses, seeds and nuts.  Food preferences and preparation recommendations from groups like the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation and other "food choice incubators" are flavorful and familiar staples at our very tasty potlucks.

Open, polite and civil discussions are welcome on this list under the DISCUSSIONS tab.

To send an email to the entire group:  [email protected]

There is much more information under the PAGES and MORE(FILES) tabs

Topics are open on the MESSAGE BOARD (it's food FREEDOM but do remember the FOOD part).  The email list, however, is moderated and messages of general interest will be released while topic specific ones asked to move to the MESSAGE BOARD.