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What we’re about

Someone asks you the worst question as a founder... "How's it goin?" You then automatically plaster on that "Everything's awesome, blah blah blah" smile. When in reality things are not awesome, and they're extremely difficult and lonely.

You have to look strong for your peers, investors, employees, co-founders, family. It's a lot! Not at Founder Therapy!

Founder Therapy is a no-BS zone for founders to finally tell it like it is. Think of it as a group chat with folks who actually know the crazy you're dealing with.

We'll hook you up with other founders tackling similar stuff, whether it's crushing self-doubt or the latest absolutely impossible fire you're putting out.

Here, the founder facade is not optional.

Need to rant? Strategy swap? Maybe you just want to hear you're not the only one losing your mind? Whatever it is, let loose.

The point isn't to wallow – it's about sharing the struggle, finding solutions, and discovering those "AHA!" moments. That, and having an awesome group of people remind you it's okay to not be fine all the time.