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De quoi s'agit-il

Weekly Yoga on Saturdays followed by a delicious brunch!
Yoga classes are run by Imperfect Yoga: Imperfect = I'm perfect, right here, just as I am! They can be dynamic / gentle, or a mix (alternates week on week) and are accessible for all.
Yoga venues also vary (3 different spots) to give us different options for places to go for brunch afterwards and try all the delicious venues in the area.

Yoga classes: 15€
Brunch: depends on what you order (except for 1x per month when we go for a fancy one at 'Le Grand Café' - we practice and have brunch n a private space and get pampered - the menu is a set one for this place- :)

Imperfect Yoga webite

Événements à venir (4+)

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