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Meet other local BookCrossers for conversation and fun! Come to a BookCrossing Meetup to trade favorite reads, discuss journals and share secrets on the best places to find and release books "in the wild."
344 732
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Jakarta Friends

7 533 Jakarta Friends | Jakarta,
Photo de Jakarta FriendsOrganisé par Corrado

Weekend Book Club

6 121 Members | Bangalore,
Photo de Weekend Book ClubOrganisé par Krishnaraj KV
And Pradeep’s amazing book club notes are here, as always 👌👌❤️❤️
Thanks to Ravi for capturing name of the books spoken and questions discussed today 👌👌❤️❤️

London's Friendly 20- and 30-Somethings Book Club!

6 086 London Bookworms | London,
Photo de London's Friendly 20- and 30-Somethings Book Club!Organisé par Daniel Corradi Stevens
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Faber&Faber. This is our first collaboration, and we are very thankful for the opportunity to work together. These stellar titles will be up for grabs, and we will announce how to get them shortly!

The Dublin Book Club Meetup Group

5 724 Book Readers | Dublin,
Photo de The Dublin Book Club Meetup GroupOrganisé par Seamus

The Metro Philadelphia Book Club

4 840 Book Readers | Philadelphia,
Photo de The Metro Philadelphia Book ClubOrganisé par Paul

London Silent Book Club

Photo de London Silent Book ClubOrganisé par Si Ning

Silent Book Club - Seattle

4 448 Readers | Seattle,
Photo de Silent Book Club - SeattleOrganisé par Liza

Nottingham Culture & Café Scientifique

4 380 Members | Nottingham,
Photo de Nottingham Culture & Café ScientifiqueOrganisé par James

Book Swap Brunch 20-30s

3 504 Members | London,
Photo de Book Swap Brunch 20-30sOrganisé par Liu Zhang