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1 781 Journocoders | London,
Photo de JournocodersOrganisé par Max Harlow

Journocoders Indonesia

1 681 Members | Jakarta,
Photo de Journocoders IndonesiaOrganisé par Aghnia Adzkia

ONA Spain

1 143 Members | Murcia,
Photo de ONA SpainOrganisé par Online News Association
Charla ONA Spain con Clara Soteras
Presentación del nuevo libro de Alberto Cairo

Current Events Coffee - NYC

856 Thoughtful News Readers | New York,
Photo de Current Events Coffee - NYCOrganisé par April Flora Stephenson

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand

746 Members | Bangkok,
Photo de The Foreign Correspondents' Club of ThailandOrganisé par Administrative Manager

The New News

598 Newsies | San Francisco,
Photo de The New NewsOrganisé par Michael Stoll
Meetup Panel Discussion
Ben Thompson - Stratechery

Modern Journalism London

534 Journalists | London,
Photo de Modern Journalism LondonOrganisé par David Whitney

Manchester FreeThinkers

440 Freethinkers | Manchester,
Photo de Manchester FreeThinkersOrganisé par David Smith
Lets raise the Vibrations ! Let's unite in love and strength as we all navigate through life 🙏 Can I get a hell yeah?!

- Why don't they teach financial eduction in schools?
- Why do they promote going into life-time debt to study degrees they know lead t

Head to Head: Philosophy & Culture

386 Thinkers | Göteborg,
Photo de Head to Head: Philosophy & CultureOrganisé par Jakob Kallin

Northern California Journalists

334 Members | San Francisco,
Photo de Northern California JournalistsOrganisé par Lila LaHood
Courtesy of Aubrie Johnson
Steven Pantilat, MD, VJ Periyakoil, MD, Lisa Krieger, journalist. All photos from this panel courtesy of Aubrie Johnson
Courtesy of Aubrie Johnson