Fortnightly Mahjong Afternoon
Fortnightly Mahjong Afternoon continues!
Players of all experience levels welcome.
People who do not know how to play but want to learn welcome. We teach!
People who just want to drink craft beer while socializing and/or supporting one's significant other's hobbies welcome.
Be there!
Last time, for the first time, we had enough players to play a game. Thanks to Damon, Anzu and her husband Dylan for the great game. Your humble host managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with a chombo penalty, resulting in a full hanchan in which all players managed to end up +/- 2000 points from the start. Congratulations to Damon for his clutch final round tenpai to clinch the win, and to Anzu for a couple of South-round wins to place second. Dylan, do better. I too will take time to reflect.
Every 2 weeks on Saturday until March 5, 2025
Fortnightly Mahjong Afternoon