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(Online) English/Chinese language and cultural exchange 中英文語言文化交流

Photo of Kieve
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(Online) English/Chinese language and cultural exchange 中英文語言文化交流


This is an online Chinese/English exchange meetup for people wishing to practice speaking in Mandarin or English. It is scheduled for 1 hour but if people wish to stay longer to chat, then it will continue until everyone leaves.

Due to time zone difference, please note that the meetup time is:
Saturday 5:00pm PST (6pm PDT*) or 8:00pm EST (9pm EDT*)
Sunday 9am Taipei Time
*Daylight Saving Time

Please feel free to stop by for a chat.

Here's the link to join the chat room on discord (邀請連結:)

Photo of Free Chinese language exchange meet-up group
Free Chinese language exchange meet-up
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