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Let's Meetup and Zoom to play ukulele, sing, and have fun.

Photo of Alvin McGovern
Hosted By
Alvin M. and Chris M.
Let's Meetup and Zoom to play ukulele, sing, and have fun.


We meet every Thursday, unless it falls on a holiday. We sing songs found in that week's song-sheet packet. This week we will have a live, in-person meetup with a Zoom option at our hosting venue, the Fraternal Order of Eagles Hall, 446 Hannah Avenue, Forest Park, Illinois.

The song-sheet packets for this meetup are Pirates, Fives, and the Harvest Moon, Rev 1, and Moon Tunes, Rev 1. It and all the other information details of this week's Zoom/Meetup are here:

If you're a member, your RSVP is always appreciated.

Photo of Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park group
Free Range Ukulele Society of Oak Park
See more events

Every week on Thursday until December 25, 2024

Fraternal Order of Eagles #1344
446 Hannah Ave · Forest Park, IL
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location