What we’re about
We are a social group who enjoy year-round activities. Although snow skiing and boarding has always been and always will be the glue that binds us together our members participate in hiking, biking, boating, water skiing, RV'ing, wine tasting, kayaking and socializing.
The Fresno Ski Club arranges trips each winter to snow-packed resorts near and far. The Ski Club makes all your arrangements for travel, lift tickets, housing, group dinners, and other optional activities. The Club's reputation and history means trips are offered at a great price! Trips are often arranged so members can drive, carpool, fly or use airline miles. Past trips include Breckenridge, Steamboat, Snow Mass, and Park City. Nearby trips have been to Tahoe and Mammoth.
The Fresno Ski Club is one of the oldest ski clubs in the US. The club was founded in 1937 and has been in continuous operation since then. We are a member of the Far West Ski Association, which provides club members additional trip discounts and access to all Far West Ski Club trips and events. FSC retains the IRS nonprofit designation as a 501-C7 organization and maintains a Board of Directors and formal accounting system to ensure members interests and funds are properly looked after.
Dues to join The Fresno Ski Club are $45 per person and $75 for family. You will save hundreds of dollars on club ski trips alone. The Fresno Ski Club Meetup is a social display of what we do.
Go to www.fresnoskiclub.com for more information.