Help tidy York Stream footpath, Maidenhead
Please help us tidy up the footpath by York Stream.
The good news is that the flooded section under the A4 St Clouds Way is being cleared. At last there is a power supply to the pump in the subway to get rid of the water blocking the footpath.
Now that the pump is working again we want to tidy around the footpath by cutting back brambles and undergrowth and by removing weeds and litter.
The aim is to make this footpath a pleasant and safe place to stroll to and from the town centre.
Dave the team leader will be waiting at the Town Moor carpark for 8.30am.
Please wear sturdy footwear, raincoat and clothes suitable for outdoor work. Gloves and tools will be provided.
The work party will last about 3 hours with a break for a hot drink half way, provided by Dave. If you need to leave early, no problem.
Help tidy York Stream footpath, Maidenhead