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What we’re about

Welcome to Fun over 50!

Our group is made up primarily of singles, with some couples, all enjoying the second half of our lives. We schedule social events (happy hours, dinners out), easy skill events (bowling, corn hole), and knowledge events (trivia, singo/music bingo) and more in southern Knoxville and Maryville, TN neighborhoods.

We welcome new members from all races, ethnicities, and/or religions. We ask everyone abide by basic decency standards. Treat each other as you wish to be treated.

Fun Over 50! is not a dating site. Any reported, undesired behavior or inappropriate social messaging will result in removal from the group. While we can't prohibit consenting adults from seeing each other outside the group, we just ask that not impact the events we plan.

Hosts from the group will schedule one time and ongoing events. Review the calendar to see what you like. Feel free to contact a host to suggest something new you're interested in.

MeetUp groups incur fees to exist on the MeetUp digital platform.

Fun Over 50! members may be asked to share in those costs prorated across our membership base. We request a $5/6-month period from each member to offset fees that come with MeetUp groups. Some events are free and some have individual expenses paid directly to the venue (again, think dining, bowling, etc.). Ask an organizer if you have any questions about membership dues or other fees.

The MeetUp app allows you to RSVP to an event, indicating if you're attending solo or bringing a guest (always encouraged, unless the invite specifically mentions an attendance cap or minimum age: 21+). If you RSVP we expect you to appear. If for any reason your plans change, please update your RSVP in the app as soon as possible, indicating a decline. This allows our hosts to convey accurate attendance to the venues we visit.

Thanks for choosing our group. We look forward to meeting you at your first visit!

Hosts: Mary Richman and Wendy Updegraff