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What we’re about

πŸ‡ Welcome to Furlong Friends Meetup Group! πŸ‡

If you've got a passion for the thundering hooves, the thrill of the track, and the camaraderie that comes after the races, then you've just stumbled upon your ultimate destination – the Furlong Friends Meetup Group!
Here at Furlong Friends, we're not just fans; we're a lively community bound together by our love for the sport of kings. Whether you're a seasoned handicapper, a casual punter, or just someone who can't resist the allure of the racing atmosphere, there's a spot for you in our enthusiastic herd.
Get ready for more than just horseplay - we're about creating memories, sharing tips, and revelling in the excitement of racing. We are here to meetup and at some of the prestigious festival meetings in Ireland and abroad every year.
So, saddle up and join us as we embark on a journey filled with stories, hoof-pounding action, and the kind of laughter that can only be shared among friends who appreciate the magic of horse racing.
Ready to be part of the Furlong Friends legacy? πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŒŸ
This meet up group is just a contact point so members can meet at the races. We are not event organisers and therefore it is the responsibility of each and every member to look after their own safety.