What we’re about
This meetup group is for Ottawa members and supporters of Fair Vote Canada.
1. We educate the public on the shortcomings of our current electoral system. Learn what's wrong: http://www.fairvotecanadancr.ca/?q=no...
2. We call for a democratic process to discuss which electoral system would be best for Canada. Learn about other electoral systems: http://www.citizensassembly.gov.on.ca......
3. We meet and organize to change the electoral system, within and between referendums.
- Subscribe to our newletter: http://www.fairvote.ca/en/get-involve...
Meetup events will be specifically geared to the mobilization of existing supporters and education of the general public.
Our chapter web site is http://ottawa.fairvote.ca
Our chapter facebook group is http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?...